Ever copied images from one phone to another, downloaded them from a cloud backup or moved them from an external storage to your phone and ended up with a messed up gallery?
This happens because the file modification dates of your images have now all the same date:
The date the images were moved or downloaded to your device.
Because the file modification date is used to sort the media, the images now appear in random order.
Here comes Image and Video Date Fixer to the rescue.
It can read the capture date of images and videos from its metadata and restore the file modification date to its orignal value.
In case your images do not contain EXIF Metadata, but contain the date in the filename, Image & Video Date Fixer can parse the filename to extract the date, save it as EXIF date attribute and corrects the file modified date in one go.
Additonally Image & Video Date Fixer offers changing dates for multiple images at once.
You can either set dates one by one, select one single date to be applied, apply a time difference or even increment the date after each file by a selected value.